Fisher CUSD #1 is in the process of switching phone systems. Frontier has shut off the current lines, and our new ones should be up tomorrow; however, we don't have a time line on when the phones will be up and running. Expect another announcement tomorrow! ~Barb Thompson

Don't forget that Grade School Picture Day is this Friday, September 11. We can't wait to see all of the students dressed up!

The 5th Graders were Worm Watchers in Science yesterday!

Teacherease has updated their app and it is also now available for Android users! Click the link below to see what's new!

Good morning, Fisher Bunnies! It's time to complete COVID-19 screenings!

Mrs. Van Deven's class did their reader's theater outside on Friday! A great activity with great weather can't be beat! 📚☀️

After 3 days without a 6:45 AM text from the school, we are back! Don't forget to complete the COVID-19 screenings!

Grade School parents, please check your email for an important update from Mr. Palmer. Thanks!

It was a successful Cards/Cubs Day here at FGS! Mrs. Shepherd's room was a class divided right down the middle! Our remote learners even dressed up!
And although a Cardinal fan is FINALLY the principal after 20 years of Cubs leadership (bye Mr. Moxley), nobody told the Cubbie staff members who decorated Mr. Palmer's office...🐥🐻⚾️

A tribute to our old grade school and mascot as students enter the building. We can't thank Jordan Bidner enough for the amazing painting that now graces our hallways. A 2013 Fisher grad, Jordan is such a talented artist. Unbelievable job!
At FGS, we're happy where we are now, but we never forget where we came from! #onceabunniealwaysabunnie

Friday AM COVID-19 screening time, and don't forget to wear a mask! Also, it's an 11:30 dismissal time today!

Mrs. Coulter's 2nd Grade Class was hard at work today!
Thinking like a scientist and using our powers of observation to detect if the capsules changed into insects.

Mrs. Mitchem's class had their first day with our new math curriculum - Zearn! Looks like the students enjoy getting small group instruction during their math block! ✖️➕➖➗

Don't forget that Friday is an half day tomorrow! Dismissal times are listed below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
11:15 AM - Kindergarten
11:20 AM - 1st & 4th Grade
11:25 AM - 2nd & 6th Grade
11:30 AM - 3rd & 5th Grade, Jr/Sr High School

Just keep screening, screening, screening!

High School Athletes - Please get your Fall contact consent form filled out and returned to your coach!!!

Shoutout to all of our amazing parents who have adapted to Remote Learning and all the challenges that come with it! You’re the real MVP!

When you’re in Miss Brown’s class you don’t just do spelling and grammar...you do spelling and grammar with JUMPING JACKS!!

Cardinals or Cubs...which side is your child on?
Friday is our Card/Cubs Dress-Up day here at FGS. Fisher students should don the baseball team of their choice on Friday in the support of this weekend's series!
Don't forget, it's an 11:30 dismissal on Friday as well. Dismissal times for different grade levels are attached below.
11:15 AM Kindergarten
11:20 AM 1st & 4th Grade
11:25 AM 2nd & 6th Grade
11:30 AM 3rd & 5th Grade

Time to screen your kiddos for COVID-19 symptoms!